Team 533 is proud to have a fantastic group of sponsors who support the team in numerous ways. We simply wouldn't be in the position that we are without them!

  Lindenhurst Public Schools are recognized for the exceptional opportunities for learning that are provided to every child. In fact, the district’s motto, “Home of Excellence Since 1841”, captures the essence of pride which permeates throughout the community.

  Cahill Strategies, LLC. is a full-service, New York government relations, lobbying, advocacy, and communications firm. Their firm is comprised of a team of seasoned professionals with a shared philosophy that complements their unique brand and strategic approach.

  Assemlywoman Jean-Pierre works to make life less taxing on families and businesses so that she can create more opportunities for families as well as ensuring schools in her district get their fair share of state school aid.

Altice USA, Inc.

FRC Team 533, the PSIcotics, does not promote or endorse the views, products, or services of our sponsors. The team publicizes the branding of our sponsors' logos and websites solely for the purpose of thanking them for their generosity towards the team.